The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Platypus GravityWorks Filter

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For outdoor enthusiasts who rely on the Platypus GravityWorks water filtration system during their adventures, maintaining the filter is crucial for ensuring safe drinking water and extending the product’s life. Cleaning your Platypus GravityWorks filter doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to effectively clean your filter, ensuring it provides clean, safe drinking water on all your adventures.

Why Clean Your Platypus GravityWorks Filter?

Before we begin the cleaning process, it’s important to understand why keeping your filter clean is essential. Over time, particulates and debris from water sources can clog the filter, reducing its efficiency and flow rate. Additionally, bacteria and protozoa can build up within the filter elements, posing a risk to your health. Regular cleaning helps remove these contaminants and restore the filter’s performance.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Instructions

What You’ll Need:

  • Clean, filtered water
  • A small brush or toothbrush
  • Unscented bleach or Platypus-specific cleaning tablets
  • A container for soaking parts

Step 1: Disassemble the Filter System

Carefully disassemble your Platypus GravityWorks filter system. Separate the dirty water reservoir from the clean water reservoir, the filter element, and all connecting hoses. Keep track of any small parts or O-rings that need to be reassembled later.

Step 2: Flush the Filter

Start by flushing the filter with clean, filtered water. Connect the filter to the clean water reservoir and allow clean water to flow through the system in the opposite direction of standard filtration. This backflushing process helps to remove any particulate build-up inside the filter. Repeat this process several times until the water runs clear.

Step 3: Clean the Filter Element

Using a small brush or toothbrush, gently scrub the exterior of the filter element. Be careful not to damage the filter material. This step helps to remove any debris stuck to the outside of the filter.

Step 4: Sanitize the System

Prepare a sanitizing solution by mixing one teaspoon of unscented bleach with one litre of clean water. Alternatively, you can use Platypus-specific cleaning tablets according to the package instructions.Let the filter element, reservoirs, and all parts soak for at least 30 minutes in the sanitizing solution . To kill bacteria or protozoa, this step is crucial.

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

After soaking, rinse all system components thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual bleach or cleaning solution. It’s essential to ensure that no bleach taste remains in the system.

Step 6: Dry Completely

Allow all parts of the filter system to dry completely before reassembling. Drying is essential to prevent mould or mildew growth within the system. Dry the components in a sunny area to help sanitize them further.

Step 7: Reassemble and Store

Once all components are dry, reassemble your Platypus GravityWorks filter system. Ensure that all connections are secure and that no parts are missing. Store the system in a cool, dry place until your next adventure.


Cleaning your Platypus GravityWorks filter is straightforward and critical to maintaining the effectiveness and longevity of your water filtration system. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your filter remains in top condition, providing safe and clean drinking water wherever your travels take you. Remember, a well-maintained water filter is the key to safe hydration in the great outdoors. Happy trails!

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